The Xpose Package | xpose4-package xpose |
Model comparison plots, of absolute differences in goodness-of-fit predictors against covariates, for Xpose 4 | absval.dcwres.vs.cov.model.comp absval.dipred.vs.cov.model.comp absval.diwres.vs.cov.model.comp absval.dpred.vs.cov.model.comp absval.dwres.vs.cov.model.comp absval_delta_vs_cov_model_comp |
Absolute conditional weighted residuals vs covariates for Xpose 4 | |
Absolute population conditional weighted residuals vs population predictions for Xpose 4 | absval.cwres.vs.pred |
Absolute value of the conditional weighted residuals vs. population predictions, conditioned on covariates, for Xpose 4 | |
Absolute population weighted residuals vs population predictions, and absolute individual weighted residuals vs individual predictions, for Xpose 4 | absval.iwres.cwres.vs.ipred.pred absval.iwres.wres.vs.ipred.pred |
box and whisker plots of the absolute value of the individual weighted residuals vs. covariates | |
absolute value of the individual weighted residuals vs. the independent variable | absval.iwres.vs.idv |
Absolute individual weighted residuals vs individual predictions for Xpose 4 | absval.iwres.vs.ipred |
Absolute individual weighted residuals vs individual predictions, conditioned on covariates, for Xpose 4 | |
Absolute individual weighted residuals vs population predictions or independent variable for Xpose 4 | absval.iwres.vs.pred |
Absolute weighted residuals vs covariates for Xpose 4 | |
Absolute value of (C)WRES vs. independent variable plot in Xpose4. | absval.wres.vs.idv |
Absolute population weighted residuals vs population predictions for Xpose 4 | absval.wres.vs.pred |
Absolute population weighted residuals vs population predictions, conditioned on covariates, for Xpose 4 | |
Column-transformation functions for Xpose 4 | add.absval add.dichot add.exp add.log add.tad add_transformed_columns |
Print tables or text in a grid object | add.grid.table add.grid.text |
Additional model comparison plots, for Xpose 4 | add.model.comp |
Additional goodness-of-fit plots, for Xpose 4 | addit.gof |
Autocorrelation of conditional weighted residuals for Xpose 4 | autocorr.cwres |
autocorrelation of the individual weighted residuals | autocorr.iwres |
Autocorrelation of weighted residuals for Xpose 4 | autocorr.wres |
Basic goodness-of-fit plots, for Xpose 4 | basic.gof |
Basic model comparison plots, for Xpose 4 | basic.model.comp |
Function to create histograms of results from the 'bootstrap' tool in PsN | boot.hist |
Print summary information for a bootgam or bootscm | bootgam.print |
Import bootscm data into R/Xpose | bootscm.import |
Categorical observations vs. independent variable using stacked bars. | |
Categorical (visual) predictive check. | cat.pc |
Functions changing variable definitions in Xpose 4 | change.ab.graph.par change.cond.graph.par change.dil.graph.par change.label.par change.lm.graph.par change.misc.graph.par change.pi.graph.par change.smooth.graph.par change_graphical_parameters |
Functions changing miscellaneous parameter settings in Xpose 4 |<-<-<- change.miss change.subset change_misc_parameters get.doc set.doc |
Change parameter scope. | change.parm |
Changes the name of an Xpose data item | |
Changes the label of an Xpose data item | change.xlabel |
Change Xpose variable definitions. | change.xvardef change.xvardef<- |
Compute the Conditional Weighted Residuals | compute.cwres ind.cwres is.cwres.readable.file sqrtm xpose.calculate.cwres |
Plot scatterplot matrices of parameters, random parameters or covariates | cov.splom parm.splom par_cov_splom ranpar.splom |
Create xpose.multiple.plot class. | create.xpose.plot.classes print,xpose.multiple.plot-method |
This function creates the Xpose data classes ("" and "xpose.prefs") | createXposeClasses |
Histogram of conditional weighted residuals (CWRES), for Xpose 4 | cwres.dist.hist |
Quantile-quantile plot of conditional weighted residuals (CWRES), for Xpose 4 | cwres.dist.qq |
Conditional Weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4 | cwres.vs.cov |
Population conditional weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | cwres.vs.idv |
Box-and-whisker plot of conditional weighted residuals vs the independent variable for Xpose 4 | |
Population conditional weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted against population predictions (PRED) for Xpose 4 | cwres.vs.pred |
Box-and-whisker plot of conditional weighted residuals vs population predictions for Xpose 4 | |
Weighted residuals (WRES) and conditional WRES (CWRES) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) | cwres.wres.vs.idv |
Weighted residuals (WRES) and conditional WRES (CWRES) plotted against the population predictions (PRED) | cwres.wres.vs.pred |
Extract or assign data from an object. | Data Data<- data_extract_or_assign SData SData<- |
Check through the source dataset to detect problems | data.checkout |
Prints the contents of an Xpose data object | db.names |
Change in individual objective function value vs. covariate value. | dOFV.vs.cov |
Change in Objective function value vs. removal of individuals. | |
Change in individual objective function value 1 vs. individual objective function value 2. | dOFV1.vs.dOFV2 |
Observations (DV), individual predictions (IPRED) and population predictions (IPRED) plotted against the independent variable (IDV), for Xpose 4 | dv.preds.vs.idv |
Observations (DV) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | dv.vs.idv |
Observations (DV) plotted against individual predictions (IPRED) for Xpose 4 | dv.vs.ipred |
Dependent variable vs individual predictions, conditioned on covariates, for Xpose 4 | |
Dependent variable vs individual predictions, conditioned on independent variable, for Xpose 4 | |
Observations (DV) plotted against population predictions (PRED) for Xpose 4 | dv.vs.pred |
Dependent variable vs population predictions, conditioned on covariates, for Xpose 4 | |
Dependent variable vs population predictions, conditioned on independent variable, for Xpose 4 | |
Observations (DV) are plotted against individual predictions (IPRED) and population predictions (PRED), for Xpose 4 | dv.vs.pred.ipred |
Exports Xpose graphics settings to a file. | export.graph.par xpose.write |
Exports Xpose variable definitions to a file from an Xpose data object. | export.variable.definitions |
GAM functions for Xpose 4 | GAM_summary_and_plot xp.akaike.plot xp.cook xp.ind.inf.terms xp.ind.stud.res xp.plot xp.summary |
Structured goodness of fit diagnostics. | gof gofSetup xpPage |
Imports Xpose graphics settings from a file to an Xpose data object. | import.graph.par |
Imports Xpose variable definitions from a file to an Xpose data object. | import.variable.definitions |
Observations (DV), individual predictions (IPRED) and population predictions (PRED) are plotted against the independent variable for every individual in the dataset, for Xpose 4 | ind.plots |
Histograms of weighted residuals for each individual in an Xpose data object, for Xpose 4 | ind.plots.cwres.hist ind.plots.wres.hist |
Quantile-quantile plots of weighted residuals for each individual in an Xpose data object, for Xpose 4 | ind.plots.cwres.qq ind.plots.wres.qq |
Individual predictions (IPRED) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | ipred.vs.idv |
Histogram of individual weighted residuals (IWRES), for Xpose 4 | iwres.dist.hist |
Quantile-quantile plot of individual weighted residuals (IWRES), for Xpose 4 | iwres.dist.qq |
Individual weighted residuals (IWRES) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | iwres.vs.idv |
Kaplan-Meier plots of (repeated) time-to-event data | kaplan.plot |
Make stacked bar data set. | |
Function to plot the coverage of the Numerical Predictive Check | npc.coverage |
Extract or set the value of the Nsim slot. | nsim nsim<- |
Plot the parameter or covariate distributions using a histogram | cov.hist parm.hist par_cov_hist ranpar.hist |
Plot the parameter or covariate distributions using quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots | cov.qq parm.qq par_cov_qq ranpar.qq |
Summarize individual parameter values and covariates | cov.summary parm.summary par_cov_summary |
Parameters plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4 | parm.vs.cov |
Plot parameters vs other parameters | parm.vs.parm |
Population predictions (PRED) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | pred.vs.idv |
Print an Xpose multiple plot object. | print.xpose.multiple.plot |
Function to create a histogram of results from the randomization test tool ('randtest') in PsN | randtest.hist |
Random parameters plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4 | ranpar.vs.cov |
Read NONMEM output files into Xpose 4 | calc.npar create.parameter.list read.lst read_NM_output |
Read NONMEM table files produced from simulation. | read_nm_table |
Reading NONMEM table files | read.nm.tables |
Read the results file from a Numerical or Visual Predictive Check run in PsN | read.npc.vpc.results |
Read (repeated) time-to-event simulation data files. | |
Read the vpctab file from PsN into Xpose | read.vpctab |
Resets Xpose variable definitions to factory settings | reset.graph.par |
Print run summary in Xpose 4 | runsum |
Simulated prazosin Xpose database. | simpraz.xpdb |
Function to create files for the simulated prazosin example in Xpose | simprazExample |
Tabulate the population parameter estimates | tabulate.parameters |
Histogram of weighted residuals (WRES), for Xpose 4 | wres.dist.hist |
Quantile-quantile plot of weighted residuals (WRES), for Xpose 4 | wres.dist.qq |
Weighted residuals (WRES) plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4 | wres.vs.cov |
Population weighted residuals (WRES) plotted against the independent variable (IDV) for Xpose 4 | wres.vs.idv |
Box-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs the independent variable for Xpose 4 | |
Population weighted residuals (WRES) plotted against population predictions (PRED) for Xpose 4 | wres.vs.pred |
Box-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs population predictions for Xpose 4 | |
Extract and set labels for Xpose data items. | xlabel xlabel<- |
Compare parameter estimates for covariate coefficients | xp.boot.par.est |
Correlations between covariate coefficients | xp.boot.par.est.corr |
Distribution of difference in AIC | xp.daic.npar.plot |
Plot of model size distribution for a bootgam or bootscm | xp.distr.mod.size |
Distribution of difference in OFV | xp.dofv.npar.plot |
OFV difference (optimism) plot. | xp.dofv.plot |
Default function for calculating dispersion in 'xpose.gam'. | xp.get.disp |
Trace plots for conditional indices | |
Trace plots for conditional indices rper replicate number | |
Inclusion frequency plot | |
Inclusion frequency plot for combination of covariates. | |
Inclusion stability plot A plot of the inclusion frequency of covariates vs bootgam/bootscm iteration number. This plot can be used to evaluate whether sufficient iterations have been performed. | |
Plot of inclusion index of covariates. | xp.incl.index.cov |
Inclusion index individuals, compare between covariates. | xp.incl.index.cov.comp |
Individual inclusion index | xp.incl.index.cov.ind |
Define a scope for the gam. Used as default input to the 'scope' argument in 'xpose.gam' | xp.scope3 |
Title | xpose.bootgam |
Create an Xpose data object | |
Class | data.frame_or_NULL-class numeric_or_NULL-class |
Stepwise GAM search for covariates on a parameter (Xpose 4) | xpose.gam |
Displays the Xpose license and citation information | xpose.license.citation |
Functions to create nice looking axes when using Log scales. | xpose.logTicks xpose.xscale.components.log10 xpose.yscale.components.log10 |
Create and object with class "xpose.multiple.plot". | xpose.multiple.plot |
Class for creating multiple plots in xpose | character_or_NULL-class list_or_NULL-class logical_or_numeric-class xpose.multiple.plot-class |
Xpose 4 generic function for plotting multiple lattice objects on one page | xpose.multiple.plot.default |
Default box-and-whisker panel function for Xpose 4 | |
Default panel function for Xpose 4 | xpose.panel.default |
Default histogram panel function for Xpose 4 | xpose.panel.histogram |
Default QQ panel function for Xpose 4 | xpose.panel.qq |
Scatterplot matrix panel function for Xpose 4 | xpose.panel.splom |
The generic Xpose functions for box-and-whisker plots | |
The Xpose 4 generic functions for continuous y-variables. | xpose.plot.default |
The Xpose 4 generic functions for continuous y-variables. | xpose.plot.histogram |
The generic Xpose functions for QQ plots | xpose.plot.qq |
The Xpose 4 generic functions for scatterplot matrices. | xpose.plot.splom |
Class "xpose.prefs" | character_or_numeric-class xpose.prefs-class |
Summarize an xpose database | xpose.print |
Print a pretty string. | xpose.string.print |
Visual Predictive Check (VPC) using XPOSE | xpose.VPC |
Xpose Visual Predictive Check (VPC) for both continuous and Limit of Quantification data. | xpose.VPC.both |
Xpose visual predictive check for categorical data. | xpose.VPC.categorical |
Classic menu system for Xpose 4 | xpose4 |
Extract or set the value of the Subset slot. | xsubset xsubset<- |
Extract and set Xpose variable definitions. | xvardef xvardef<- |